Word for the day: "Focus on God"

Proverbs 4:25 (NLT) Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. 26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. 27 Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.The condition of your character is determined, to a surprising extent, by the direction of your thoughts. If you focus your thoughts and energies on positive concerns; and if you focus on things that bring honor to your family and yourself, you’ll more times than not reap rich rewards. On the other hand, if you focus too much on the distractions and trappings of our 21st-century world, you are asking for a great deal of turbulence in your life.I have discovered that your perception will determine your reception. When we focus on the frustrations of today or the uncertainties of tomorrow, we rob ourselves of peace in the present moment. But, when we focus on possibilities instead of pitfalls, our worries no longer tyrannize us. Our first focus has to start with Christ, after all it’s all about Him, if the truth be told.What is your focus today? Are you willing to focus your thoughts and energies on God’s blessings and upon His will for your life? Or will you turn your thoughts to other things? Before you answer that question, consider this: God created you in His own image, and He wants you to experience blessings beyond measure. But, God will not force His blessings upon you; you must claim them for yourself.Today, remember to keep the focus of your eyes on the prize and that is our God. Remember, too, that your thoughts are profoundly powerful, so guard them sacredly your destiny really depends on it.Quote: Max Lucado- As long as Jesus is one of many options, he is no option.Elder Baker


Word for the day: "New Beginnings"


Word for the day: "I will not let you go until you bless me"