Word for the day: "Supernatural power go God"

  Numbers 23:19 (GNT) God is not like people, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever he promises, he does; He speaks, and it is done.Insight from Richard Gonzales (Real Estate Agent) Richard Gonzales has won the Century 21 Centurion Award several times. To receive it, an agent has to close  $150,000 in real estate commissions in one year. Clearly, Richard is a powerful achiever in his field, but lessons learned early in life have given him a sense of God's power and the power of God's Word. Today’s message hits home for me sisters and brothers and i had to share the testimony of Richard Gonzales.As a young man, Richard was caught up in what he describes as a “sin-sick, drug-oriented southern California lifestyle.” He was finally confronted by his girlfriend Elva, who said, “This life is destroying us. Sure we have every luxury money could buy, but we are still miserable. I'm leaving!” Are you at this point in your life or have you been here before?In his desperation, Richard turned to God for a new way to live. One day while trying to learn more about the Bible, he discovered Matthew 6:33: “But more than anything else put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.” He felt led to take that Scripture as a promise. If he would focus on God, Elva would return. About a month after his conversion, she called, curious about his new faith. He insisted on taking her to church with him. During the service, she received Christ in her life.Richard Gonzales applies God's Word to his business as well as his personal life. His remarkable success speaks for itself. He has not been disappointed and all the glory belongs to God. Today’s message is for families and friends affected by addictions, abuse, and adolescent struggles. Have a great day in the “Supernatural power of God”!Elder Baker


Word for the day: "God is with you all the way"


Word for the day: "God takes nothing and makes something out of it"