Word for the day:"Faiths Way of Walking"

Genesis 35:17-18 (NIV) And as she was having great difficulty in childbirth, the midwife said to her, “Don’t despair, for you have another son.” 18 As she breathed her last—for she was dying, she named her son Ben-Oni (son of my sorrow). But his father named him Benjamin (son of my right hand).To every matter there is a bright side as well as a dark side. Rachel was overwhelmed with the sorrow of her own childbearing tribulation and death; Jacob, though weeping the mother’s loss, could see the mercy of the child’s birth. We must push ourselves to this manner of faith, while the flesh mourns over trials, torments, and troubles, our faith in God triumphs in the divine faithfulness. Yes in all of us is the potential of wretched deeds, doom, and doubt are we apt at times, like Jacob, to cry, “All these things are against me” However Faith’s way of walking is to cast all our cares on the Lord, and then anticipate good results from the worst calamities in this life. What choices are you making in view of your trials and their outcome in your life?Did you know that out of the rough oyster-shell of difficulty there is an extraction of the rare pearl, this to me is honor; and from the stormy seas the multitude of fishes are fed like no other time in the seas. On today I am learning how to see my trials as an opportunity for God to show me the joy of my sorrow and the hope for my tomorrow. And such is the case in this passage of scripture when you look beyond the sorrow of Jacob’s family. When the death of Rachel appears to this family, faith points to the light of the resurrection beyond the grave, this made the dying Benoni (son of Rachel sorrow)to be our living Benjamin (son of Jacob’s right hand) to God be the Glory! Walk in Faith’s way today!Elder Baker


Word for the day: "The Joy of Trials"


Word for the day: "Fall into Grace"