Word for the day: "Standing on the promises of God"

II Corinthians 1:20 (KJV) For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.As this week begins my questions to you today; are you standing on the promises of God? Are you expecting God to do great things, or are you living beneath your privilege in obscurity, apprehension or doubt? The familiar words of Psalm 118:17 remind us of a profound yet simple truth as we trust in God: “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.” (KJV). Do you trust that promise, and do you live accordingly? If so, you are living the passionate life that God intends. For passionate believers, every day begins and ends with God’s Son and God’s promises. As we face the inevitable challenges of life, we must arm ourselves with the promises of God’s Holy Word. When we do, we can expect the best, not only for the day ahead, but also for all eternity.Just thought I’d remind you, God’s promises are found in a book like no other: the “Holy Bible”. The (Bible acronym) is our (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth) a divine guide for life here on earth and for life eternal. We are called upon to trust its promises, to follow its commandments, and to share its Good News. We are instructed to study the Bible each day and meditate upon its meaning for our lives today. Otherwise, we deprive ourselves of an invaluable, character-building gift from the Creator. God’s Holy Word is, indeed, a transforming, life-changing, precious treasure. And, a passing acquaintance with the Good Book is insufficient for those who seek to obey God’s Word and to understand His will.“Reading news without reading the Bible will inevitably lead to an unbalanced life, an anxious spirit, a worried and depressed soul”. Bill Bright“God gives us a compass and a Book of promises and principles— the Bible—and lets us make our decisions day by day as we sense the leading of His Spirit. This is how we grow.”  Warren WiersbeCharacter builderTrust God’s Word writes Charles Swindoll, There are four words I wish we would never forget, and they are God keeps his word. Remember when it comes to studying God’s Word, school is always in session. Have a week filled with "Standing on the promises of God”Elder Baker


Word for the day: "No More Masquerades"


Word for the day: "The Favor of God"