Word for the day: "A Mountain Moving God"
Matthew 17:20 (NIV) He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.Nothing will be impossible for you.”Sisters and Brothers as this week has come to an end in our workplaces for most of us. I don’t know about you but I have sensed the Lord moving some mountains out of my way. The mountains that haven’t been moved out of my way, I have sensed in the Holy Spirit the Lord giving me the strength to climb. So understanding that the mustard seed is considered the smallest of all seeds, and measured to my Faith; My God is the Biggest God that I could even think or imagine, and it’s all good. Moving a mountain is impossible, for anyone but God, but nothing is impossible for God. He is the true focus of these verses, not the miraculous event contemplated, or even the person who prays for it with such great faith. Should this actually come to pass, it would not be the miracle itself that should attract our attention, nor should the person who makes this petition be held in excessive awe,but rather God who brings such glorious things about for His own sovereign purposes. Moving a mountain is impossible, and that is the point of Jesus' comparison. We need to understand that if we need a mountain to be moved, then God is not only capable of doing this with no effort, but He will do whatever is necessary, good and right in the fulfillment of His will and plan for our lives. He can and will do whatever is needful, we only have to believe it. We all have mountains and obstacles in our paths that are so large and so daunting that surmounting them is an obvious impossibility. But if we remember our Lord's words here, we know that He has us by the hand that so all we have to do by Faith is V20 “say to the mountains, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move”!Elder Baker